Brian Retterer standing in grass, Arms crossed

Brian Retterer

Vote for Brian Retterer on November 7th, 2023 for Springboro School Board

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Providing a safe and successful environment is of the utmost importance. Every child deserves the same educational opportunities, regardless of their race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, or financial ability. Let's help our schools by providing them with the necessary tools and resources they need to ensure that all students receive the education they deserve.


Tech is key in education. Schools need the resources to empower teachers and provide equal access to technology. Brian thinks all students should have access to technology and receive the necessary training to use it effectively in their education. Our students need to be prepared for the challenges of the future. Investing in our schools' technology infrastructure is crucial.


Our expanding community requires us to prepare our schools for growth. It's not only about supporting more students, but also attracting top educators. Being ready for the changes ahead is vital to maintain the high-quality education our community deserves. Let's ensure that our schools can accommodate the growth while maintaining a positive learning environment.

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